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Today is Saturday, 27 July 2024

15 years of experience

ARCAD team of engineers and qualified operators is one of Polish's leading specialists in diamond drilling, sawing and controlled demolition work.
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Wire Sawing

Cutting of industrial foundations, elements with a thickness of over 1 m

Diamond Wire Sawing is the fastest and most versatile means of cutting heavily reinforced concrete.

Wire saw cuts:
- Concrete, reinforced concrete, brick,
- Stone,
- Other materials used in construction.

Wire saws are used to:
- Cutting very thick structural components,
- Cutting the massive walls, ceilings or concrete foundations,
- Cut heavily reinforced concrete elements,
- Cutting of reinforced concrete under water.

Technical capabilities of wire saws:
- Cutting of reinforced concrete of any thickness,
- Cutting of heavily reinforced concrete,
- Wet or dry cutting.

More technical details - click here

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