On our website we use cookies. Using the site without changing the setting means that they will be stored in your device.
Read more in Privacy Policy.
Today is Saturday, 27 July 2024

15 years of experience

ARCAD team of engineers and qualified operators is one of Polish's leading specialists in diamond drilling, sawing and controlled demolition work.
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Privacy Policy

Reading, browsing or using the Site, and subscribing to a newsletter, you accept the rules contained in the Privacy Policy on this page.

The Service reserves the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy applies to any person using this Site. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will not affect the basic principle: Service does not sell or disclose data to any third party. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not visit our Site and do not subscribe to an electronic newsletter.

Owner Website

The owner of the service is

ARCAD budownictwo 

ul. Stargardzka 7-9

54-156 Wrocław

NIP: 894-273-38-18

NIP UE: PL8942733818

REGON: 933 00 28 44

Personal Information

When using the Site you may be asked to provide certain personal information by filling out the form, or in any other way. The data that will be asked, it is usually an e-mail address. For inquiries forms and registration on the Site you will be asked for more personal information.

We require only data that is necessary for the operation of the Service. Failure to provide the required data block the activity connected with them.

Free Newsletter Subscription

To subscribe to free newsletter you must enter the correct form of your name and e-mail address. These fields must be filled.

Data obtained in this way are added to the newsletter mailing list.

Unsolicited messages

The Service reserves the right to send messages to people whose contact details are due to activities related to the Service. By this we mean information directly relating to the Service (eg, changes, promotions), not commercial messages (eg greetings, comments, etc.) and information.

Site owner is not responsible for the content of the information commercially.

Explicit personal data

Personal data provided when sending comments for products, articles and other materials associated with the Service may be available for all visitors to the pages containing the data. This site is not capable of protecting its customers against individuals or companies that will use the data to send unspecified information. These data are therefore not subject to the Privacy Policy.


Some areas of the Site may use cookies, which are small text files sent to your computer that identifies it as needed to simplify or cancel the operation.

Cookies are harmless to your computer or its user and his data.

The condition of cookies is that they are accepted by the browser and not removed from disk.

Using the site without changing the setting of cookies is that they will be published on your end device. You can at any time make changes to the settings for cookies.

Cookies are used to:

  • customize the content of the Site for the User preferences and optimizing the use of the websites, in particular, these files allow you to identify the device's Service and properly display the web page tailored to their individual needs
  • produce statistics that help to understand how the Service Users benefit from a website, which allows improving the structure and content
  • User session Service maintenance (after logging in), so that user does not have on every page Site retype your login and password.

In accordance with Art. Paragraph 173. 1 of the Act of 16 July 2004, the Telecommunications Law (Journal of Laws of 2004 No. 171, item. 1800) note that the subject zamieszczającym on your end device is operator cookies service / site -  ARCAD budownictwo  ul. Stargardzka 7-9 54-156 Wrocław. Cookies posted and can also be used by the co-operator advertisers.

Partners and other operators

Privacy Policy does not apply to websites or companies whose contact details are given on the Site or in emails.


Copyright Š ARCAD budownictwo

The content of this domain and the domain name are protected by law. Documents, articles, graphics, scripts, and other files that make up services for this domain are the property ARCAD budownictwo or are used with permission of beneficiaries.

Copying and distribution using any method of printing or electronic, is prohibited, unless otherwise agreed with the  ARCAD budownictwo.

Individual documents published on the Site by  ARCAD budownictwo may contain other copyright notices associated with those documents.


Although every effort is made that the information on this website as accurately as possible,  ARCAD budownictwo is not responsible for its content. The materials may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors.
